
martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


What did you learn in the unit?
Specific information about this unit which was about motivation was shared by some of my classmates. Initially, however the information was not seen as difficult because the members of the group explained it in a clear and specific way. So what I have learnt was that motivation is influenced by three important factors: why do people decide to do something, how long they want to do it and how they work to achieve it. According to Paul R. Burden (Powerfull classroom management strategies, 2000) says that “if you can motivate student, they are more likely to get off task and contribute to disorder. An effective classroom manager deliberately plans for motivate students.” In other words teachers should motivate learners to study and to be confident in order to keep them occupied and obviously everybody is going to be working happily including the naughty boys. As a result students will achieve the main goal which is to truly learn

How will you apply that knowledge in a teaching situation?
I would like to create peaceful classes but to achieve this I have four relevant aspects in my mind. First of all, me as teacher I should be enthusiastic and behave naturally making them see that the subject or topic is valuable for them, I mean let them know that they will use later or in the future what they have learnt.  Second, a nice classroom atmosphere will engage learners to learn in a pleasant way, a smile from the teacher provides students security. All students will be calm and willing to learn new things. Third, I won’t promise to assess easy tasks but I will try to provide them clear instructions in this way students will believe they can be successful at any situation.  At this point, Margaret A. Theobald in her book (increasing student´s motivation strategies for middle and high school teachers, 2006) says “Share your own experiences with students, such a time when you were not sure you could do something, but then you tried and found that you could be successful.” It means nobody is perfect in life, at any time we as teachers had suffered with a difficult situation in the past but later we could overcome that situation in order to be in front of our students. The last aspect is self-confidence, to give positive feedback is not a waste of time because one of the students’ needs is to see their failures and learn from them. However, mistakes are acceptable because those are a normal part of the learning process. In short, inside of the classroom, a good atmosphere and a charismatic teacher motivates students a lot.     


increasing student´s motivation strategies for middle and high school teachers. (2006). United Kingdom.
Burder, P. R. (2000). Powerfull classroom management strategies. California.

2 comentarios:

  1. I hope you can enjoy and use this information.

  2. To build a security in class is important, and the classroom atmosphere will be a good engagement to let learners acquire in a better way the language, but motivation is the first thing we have to pay attention to, because if we do not motive students they will not have a reason to learn
