
viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

unit 4 the balance of power


                        The notion that the balance of power in the classroom needs to change is new and unsettling, it mostly focused on teacher- centered and student-centered teaching aproach. Every teacher knows how to categorize each one of our students some of them are empowered, others are self-motivated because they work with genuinely, but the bad aspect here is that students now are anxious and tentative.  They start classes with the idea of having easy tasks but that is not the main focus from the majority of teachers. It is something in general, but for many students education is something that happen to them, and most of the time they feel obligated to study Furthermore, in this chapter it talks about some activities and assignments in which teacher allow students to select the assignment that they would like to work on. At this point, Weimer Maryellen says that “students are welcome to add assignments, exchange assignment or do fewer assignments as the course progress.”   (Maryellen, 2013) She also establish that students work using an absolute grading standard and I agree with her since some students who get a low grade feel bad when for example any assignment is over 20 and “the best student” get a 19 or 20 and “the unlucky student “who works less that the “intelligent one” get a 5 lets suppose obviously he or she is going to feel frustrated. So if there is grading assignment for example grading them with bands like for the TKT examination the difference is not going to be so big. In this case I would like to encourage my students to select the assignment they want to work on, obviously after I give the general topic, structure and rules they have to work on but not all the time. in this way there is going to be balance because i will accept ideas  and suggestions from my students, so they will not feel subestimated by the teacher.

Images related to the equality of teachers and students

 teacher´s 50% input and student´s 50% input

video about teacher- centered and student-centered teaching aproach


Maryellen, W. (2013). learner centered teaching five key changes to practice.

Other resourse

5.1 Teacher-centered and Student-centered Teaching Methods

En el texto: (YouTube, 2015)
Bibliografía: YouTube, (2015). 5.1 Teacher-centered and Student-centered Teaching Methods. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

UNIT 3 The role of the teacher

What it means to be a facilitator of learning?

Teacher’s primary task is to be facilitating and supporting the learning efforts of students, as we know teacher has having this role so many years ago.
Becoming a facilitator of learning is an essential and nice experience. A successful class depends on how well a teacher can transmit her knowledge and values.   If we analyze the role of the teacher is not as easy as we think because one of a teacher´s role is to deliver the content, teacher is the one who is previewing and reviewing the materials all the time for the students, teacher is also in charged of design exams and quizzes, she asks and answers most of the questions, the most lovable part is when she solve problems.  Richard P. Lipka, Thomas M. Brinthaupt establish that “while gaining power over students may be an important role demand, and an essential part of who a teacher is in the classroom, controlling and disciplining students does not bring a sense of personal satisfaction for most beginning teachers” (En el texto: (Google Books, 1991) based on my own experience from the internships I agree with this statement because when I had to do many new things for me it was frustrating. this time I do not want to teach how to be   a teacher but i would like to learn more about the role´s role.

Graphic called "color teacher facilitator"

pictures: students asking questions.

video about what is the teacher´s role in the classroom

En el texto: (Google Books, 2015)
Bibliografía: Google Books, (2015). The Role of Self in Teacher Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].

Teachers' Roles in Second Language Learning
En el texto: (Yoon, 2015)
Bibliografía: Yoon, B. (2015). Teachers' Roles in Second Language Learning. [online] Google Books. Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].


What is the Teacher's Role in the Classroom?

En el texto: (YouTube, 2015)
Bibliografía: YouTube, (2015). What is the Teacher's Role in the Classroom?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].




              Speaking is also one of the four skills we have in English and it is a productive skill as writing. This skill involves speech to communicate with other individuals from a community. As I mentioned on Listening with speaking we do not plan what to say exactly because we just try to say sentences or phrases related to the topic but immediately. Now talking about the ways teachers in some schools teach this skill is in a boring way so that is why students hate speaking. Joanna Baker and Heather Westrup say that “In some classrooms, speaking means that the students repeat sentences or dialogues, or chant English words. Repetitions is only one useful way of practicing new is important for learners to practice the language they are learning in situations which are similar to life outside the classroom” (Joanna Baker, 2003)  They also suggest that students need to practice real communication such as:  talking about their lives, talking about news, expressing their ideas and discussing issues.
However, like in the other skills in speaking, we have some subskills: making use of grammar, vocabulary and functions; making use of register to speak appropriately; using features of connected speech; using body language; producing different text types; oral fluency (speaking at a normal speech with little hesitation repetition of self-correction and with smooth use of connected speech); using interactive strategies (ways of keeping people interest and involved in what we are saying)
I would like to teach speaking through real communication like for example talking about their pets. 

 Pictures about 2 people talking about personal experiences

video about:

5 Succsessful ESL Speaking Activites


Joanna Baker, H. W. (2003). Essential Speaking Skills. New York.

En el texto: (Gusdorf, 2015)
Bibliografía: Gusdorf, G. (2015). Speaking (La Parole). [online] Google Books. Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].

En el texto: (M. Levelt, 2015)
Bibliografía: M. Levelt, W. (2015). Speaking. [online] Google Books. Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].


5 Succsessful ESL Speaking Activites

En el texto: (YouTube, 2015)
Bibliografía: YouTube, (2015). 5 Succsessful ESL Speaking Activites. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Apr. 2015].